Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium: Generating stronger evidence on conflict situations

SLRC-logoThe Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) aims to generate a stronger evidence base on how people in conflict-affected situations (CAS) make a living, access basic services like health care, education and water, and perceive and engage with governance at local and national levels.

At the center of SLRC’s research are three core themes, developed over the course of an intensive one-year inception phase:

  1. State legitimacy: experiences, perceptions and expectations of the state and local governance in conflict-affected situations
  2. State capacity: building effective states that deliver services and social protection in conflict-affected situations
  3. Livelihood trajectories and economic activity in conflict-affected situations

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is the lead organization. In addition to Feinstein, other SLRC partners are the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), the Center for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) in Sri Lanka, Focus1000 in Sierra Leone, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Humanitarian Aid and Reconstruction of Wageningen University (WUR) in the Netherlands, the Nepal Center for Contemporary Research (NCCR), and the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in Pakistan.

Dyan Mazurana is the team leaders for SLRC, Uganda.  She is also the overall lead on gender analysis for the SLRC.

Daniel Maxwell is the team leader for SLRC, South Sudan.

Dyan and Daniel are co-leads on overall livelihoods analysis for SLRC.

More about the SLRC here.

recovery in northern Uganda

This report describes household recovery in northern Uganda from the 20 years of conflict between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Government of Uganda (GoU) by following the same...

Anastasia Marshak, Elizabeth Stites, Teddy Atim, Dyan Mazurana

• December 2019
education dropout in Uganda

This working paper presents findings from research examining the sharp decrease in girls and boys school attendance that was witnessed between 2013–2018 in northern Uganda.

Teddy Atim, Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak

• August 2019

This working paper presents findings on the migration of youth from Acholi, Uganda to the urban areas of Gulu and Pabbo in northern Uganda, and to the Acholi Quarter neighborhood in Kampala.

Elizabeth Stites, Teddy Atim, Ayee Flora Tracy

• March 2019

This large-scale study from northern Uganda investigates how experiences of alleged war crimes or crimes against humanity relate to victims’ disability and how these experiences affect food security, wealth and access to basic services, including their access to basic and therapeutic healthcare over time.

Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak, Teddy Atim

• March 2019
livelihood recovery in Uganda

This report presents a series of challenges to conventional thinking around livelihood recovery for war-affected populations.

Anastasia Marshak, Dyan Mazurana, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Rachel Gordon, Teddy Atim

• September 2017
livelihood adaptation

This publication explores the evolution of the "livelihoods approach" to development and humanitarian assistance.

Elizabeth Stites, Kristin Bushby

• July 2017
search for work

Through a case study in Uganda’s second largest town, Lira, the research sets out to examine what the dynamics of young people’s work look like.

Richard Mallett, Teddy Atim, Jimmy Hilton Opio

• December 2016
trading, power and politics

Through a case study of one recently redeveloped marketplace in northern Uganda, this study sets out to shed some light on what happens when attempts to modernize and formalize economic activity come into contact with the local realities of how trading, power and politics actually work

Richard Mallett, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Teddy Atim

• December 2016
international engagement

This paper explains that aid actors in South Sudan have largely failed because they applied technical solutions to political problems.

Daniel Maxwell, Rachel Gordon, Leben Nelson Moro, Martina Santschi, Philip Dau

• October 2016
livelihoods in South Sudan

This briefing paper recommends a rethink in the way that aid actors approach questions of recovery and livelihood. Rather than a simplistic either/ or approach, what is needed is a much more localized and deeper analysis of conflict, inter-communal grievances and inter-communal relations.

Daniel Maxwell, Rachel Gordon, Leben Nelson Moro, Martina Santschi, Philip Dau

• October 2016
service delivery

This paper describes the findings from research carried out in several areas of South Sudan in the context of armed conflict and raiding. The findings show that despite state-building efforts, service delivery remained inadequate in remote areas and that the interface between service delivery and people’s perceptions of the state is complex.

Daniel Maxwell, Rachel Gordon, Leben Nelson Moro, Martina Santschi, Philip Dau

• October 2016
international engagement shifts

What can international aid policymakers and practitioners learn from the history of international engagement with South Sudan prior to and during the current conflict? This paper traces international engagement shifts...

Daniel Maxwell, Rachel Gordon, Leben Nelson Moro, Martina Santschi

• July 2016
reduce teenage pregnancy

In 2013 Sierra Leone ranked among the ten nations with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in the world. If the Government of Sierra Leone’s renewed National Strategy for the Reduction of Teenage Pregnancy is to succeed, a more contextually tailored approach is needed. This report makes five recommendations.

Lisa Denney, Rachel Gordon, Aminata Kamara, Precious Lebby

• May 2016
northern Uganda

This study complements the larger Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium Uganda survey by providing deeper insight into processes of recovery in northern Uganda. It focuses on: The nature of ‘livelihood recovery’...

Simon Levine

• April 2016
international humanitarian aid

This working paper analyzes the relationships between international humanitarian aid agencies and the government structures they engage with in South Sudan.

Daniel Maxwell, Martina Santschi, Rachel Gordon

• May 2015
basic service delivery

This paper shows findings from a cross-country panel survey which took place in five conflict-affected countries: DRC, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Uganda. The aim of the survey was to...

Richard Mallett, Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Rachel Slater, Georgina Sturge

• April 2015

The briefing paper explores the relationship between service delivery, peacebuilding, and state legitimacy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Uganda. It finds that the...

Lisa Denney, Richard Mallett, Dyan Mazurana

• February 2015
urban labor market

This working paper examines the urban labor market in Lira, a large and expanding town in post-conflict northern Uganda.

Richard Mallett, Teddy Atim

• December 2014
perceptions of governance

In 2012, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), with inputs from SLRC, implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in South Sudan aimed to produce data...

Marco d’Errico, Karolina Kozlowska, Daniel Maxwell

• August 2014
post-conflict mechanisms

Since December 2013 – only two and a half years after becoming an independent country – South Sudan has been mired in a deep political, military, and humanitarian crisis. This...

Daniel Maxwell, Martina Santschi

• August 2014
Operation Lifeline Sudan

This paper reviews large-scale humanitarian operations in South Sudan, focusing on what lessons can be learnt from Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS). The paper is structured as follows: The first section...

Daniel Maxwell, Martina Santschi, Rachel Gordon

• August 2014

In 2012/13, SLRC implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in Uganda aimed to produce data on livelihoods, access to and experience of basic services, exposure to...

Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Rachel Gordon, Teddy Atim

• May 2014

In 2012/13, the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in northern Uganda aimed to produce data on livelihoods, access to and...

Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Rachel Gordon, Teddy Atim

• May 2014

In 2012/13, the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in northern Uganda aimed to produce data on livelihoods, access to and...

Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Rachel Gordon, Teddy Atim

• May 2014

In 2012/13, the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in northern Uganda aimed to produce data on livelihoods, access to and...

Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Rachel Gordon, Teddy Atim

• May 2014

This report is based on qualitative fieldwork conducted in Uror and Nyirol Counties, Jonglei State, South Sudan and a household survey conducted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...

Daniel Maxwell, Martina Santschi, Rachel Gordon

• April 2014

The violent political crisis that has engulfed South Sudan since mid-December 2013 has awakened the world to the fundamental lack of stability in the world’s newest country. Unfortunately, the situation...

Rachel Gordon

• March 2014

This paper synthesizes current evidence on how people are recovering their livelihoods and accessing basic services and social protection interventions in the conflict-affected regions of Uganda’s Greater North.

Kirsten Gelsdorf, Daniel Maxwell, Dyan Mazurana

• March 2012

Disability and recovery from war in northern Uganda

This article explores the prevalence and impact of disabilities resulting from war crimes committed by parties to the conflict between the Government of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army. In addition, the article considers Uganda’s promising legal framework of rights for persons with disabilities. Published in Third World Thematics in December 2016.

Trajectories of International Engagement with State and Local Actors: Evidence from South Sudan

This article investigates how international actors have engaged with the South Sudanese state and local actors in order to improve access to basic services, build state capacity to deliver those services, and provide social protection and livelihood support. The article also discusses what the impacts of such engagement have been and what aid actors can learn from the history of humanitarian and development assistance in South Sudan. Published in the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding in October 2017.

Struggle for Recovery: Women’s Stories from Northern Uganda
June 2017

Women’s lives in northern Uganda have been shaped by the decades-long war between the government of Uganda and the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The war stopped a decade ago,...

Video: Healthcare, Water, and Education in Building State Legitimacy
August 2016

This video from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium describes findings that challenge conventional wisdom regarding basic service delivery and perceptions of government legitimacy by citizen’s living in fragile and conflict...