Mapping the Security Environment

The data presented and analyzed by the study in three cases-Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Sierra Leone-offers intriguing and provocative look at the wide-ranging security needs of local communities and the uneven extent to which these are understood and responded to by major international institutions. The voices of local communities are not being heard, much less “privileged”, by outside actors. The dominant voices in transition environments instead are those of peace support operations (PSOs) and assistance agencies (AAs). Even the voice of government is often muffled. Such a disconnect has major implications: if the perceptions of local communities were to be the entry point for outside actor engagement or the benchmark for the effectiveness of international assistance and peace support, a major re-thinking of the ways PSOs and AA’s operate would be required.






Thumbnail of Famine Prevention Report Cover

This study reviews what we have learned regarding policies and interventions to prevent famine, and how these can be scaled up more rapidly.

Cover of Localization Report Case Study

Four case studies that illustrate how key concepts related to the localization of humanitarian action differ across contexts.

Cover of Harnessing Informal Social Safety Nets Report

This report examines how informal social safety nets operate, the functions they serve, who benefits, and the obligations on community members in North and South Darfur.

Cover of Blue on Blue Report

This report reveals that sexual abuse is a major threat to uniformed peacekeepers, especially women. The UN and troop- and police-contributing countries have not adequately responded to the issue.

Localization Report Cover Thumbnail

This landscape study about localization examined the literature and spoke to over five dozen key informants from different perspectives, positions, and countries across the humanitarian sector.

University of Zalingei Report Cover

Researchers from the University of Zalingei in Central Darfur, Sudan, conducted this study to improve the understanding of the role played by the Native Administration in integrated natural resource management in Central Darfur over the last twenty years, and to understand the conflicts and disputes associated with land access.

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