Drought Risk Management in Karamoja: A Review of Functionality and Capacity

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In the history of Karamoja, drought has been one of the most important types of disaster, with major impacts on livelihoods.

For livestock-owning households, drought can push both wealthy and poorer households into destitution, and the recovery of herds, their main form of financial capital, takes many years. Drought also has serious impacts on crop production and can decimate harvests.

In the case of livestock interventions, there have been notable developments in effective drought response in many countries in the wider East Africa region, including novel partnerships between government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private sector to provide early and more cost-effective programming.

Against this wider process of strengthened capacity and professional interest in livelihoods-based drought preparedness and response across much of East Africa, this report assesses the functional status of drought management in Karamoja.

The review includes community capacities, the Government of Uganda’s (GoU) Disaster Risk Management (DRM) program and the contributions of donor-funded projects.






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