Ankre nan Reyalite Lokal: Etid Ka sou Aksyon Imanite ann Ayiti


Depi lontan, kritik sou èd imanitè entènasyonal yo sigjere li dwe pi enklizif pou aktè ki nan peyi kriz la touche. Yon atansyon ki pa sispann ogmante sou kesyon sa a depi apeprè yon dizèn lane konvèje nan yon ansanm pwogram yo rele souvan “lokalizasyon” èd imanitè, “lidèchip imanitè lokal” (LHL), ak “aksyon imanitè lokal” (LHA). Men, pa gen anpil konsannsis sou definisyon ak konsèp kle konsènan tèm sa yo nan diferan kontekts.

Etid sa ede pote limyè sou kèk nan elemen klè nan diskou lokalizasyon nan chache konnen plis sou pèspektif aktè ki te reponn ak Siklòn Matye ki te frape rejyon gran Sid peyi Dayiti nan lane 2016.

Read the full report in English here.






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This desk study explores how state-owned policies and programs in pastoral areas of the Sudano-Sahel and the Greater Horn of Africa meet pastoralists’ needs and priorities.

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This report outlines an anticipatory insurance product designed to support farmers in the drought-prone regions of Malawi and Zambia.

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The time pressure involved in designing and implementing anticipatory action can discourage the localization of decision-making. Learn more from a cartoon-infused summary of insights.

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Early Warning Systems can reduce deaths and damages caused by extreme weather events, if investors address gaps in communication and planning. Learn more from a cartoon-infused summary of insights.

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This synthesis report reflects upon Phase 1 findings on humanitarian action in pastoral drylands of the Greater Horn and Sudano-Sahel.

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This desk study examines common perceptions of pastoralism among humanitarians and barriers to international humanitarian systems meeting pastoralists’ needs.

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