Publication Author



Cover of Brief about Illeret, Kenya

This brief report on how recent livelihoods trends such as the loss of the delta and recent shocks such as the 2022 drought have directly impacted food security and nutrition in Illeret, Kenya.

Cover of Report: Another Crisis in Somalia 2022

This report rings the alarm about likely famine in Somalia in 2022 by comparing the situation today with the situation before and during the famine in 2011.

Cover of Localization Report Case Study

Four case studies that illustrate how key concepts related to the localization of humanitarian action differ across contexts.

cover of report: how can social protection systems be leverages for anticipatory action?

This literature review examines social protection systems in hazard-prone countries to make recommendations on how these systems could be best used to inform or implement anticipatory action.

Life after Marriage report cover

This briefing paper examines the experiences of life after marriage for female youth who married under the age of 18 in South Sudan and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. It describes how early marriage affects education, mental health, protection issue, and family dynamics.

Showing 41-45 of 487 results