Publication Author



search for work

Through a case study in Uganda’s second largest town, Lira, the research sets out to examine what the dynamics of young people’s work look like.

trading, power and politics

Through a case study of one recently redeveloped marketplace in northern Uganda, this study sets out to shed some light on what happens when attempts to modernize and formalize economic activity come into contact with the local realities of how trading, power and politics actually work

Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition

This report describes the results of an impact assessment on Concern Worldwide’s program in eastern Chad aimed at reducing malnutrition.

This is the French version of the report, Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment.

failings of the humanitarian system

Does the humanitarian system have the capacity and vision to respond effectively to the crises of today, tomorrow, and deep into the future? This report analyses the failings of the…

Showing 246-250 of 487 results