Pastoralist Systems in Dar Sila, Chad

dynamics of pastoralism

This study contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of pastoralism and farming in Dar Sila in relation to its natural, social, and economic environment. The authors review the history of the development of pastoralism in Chad, look closely at pastoral systems in eastern Chad, review the policy and institutional context for pastoralism in Chad, and offer recommendations for practitioners working with pastoralist communities in Dar Sila and nationally in Chad.

The study was originally conducted to inform and support the integration of pastoralism resilience building into the Concern Worldwide program in the Dar Sila Region. It is also directly relevant to a range of audiences: those seeking an up-to-date and informed review of pastoralism in the eastern Chad context; those interested in the wider policy and institutional context and how to engage effectively in related processes to support the development of pastoralism; and those interested in building resilience in contexts such as the Sahel.

To read the executive summary of this report in English click here.

L’étude en français est disponible ici.

Le résumé en français est disponible ici.






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