Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters
Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED), is a £140m project designed to improve the resilience of the most poor to climate extremes and shocks. There are 13 BRACED consortia in 15 countries across the Sahel and southeast Asia.
Concern Worldwide is the lead agency for one consortium working in the Darfur region of Sudan and eastern Chad. The consortium includes Concern Chad, Concern Sudan, Tufts, the World Agroforestry Center, and Al Massar. The three year program (2015-2017) involves a number of integrated elements including climate smart agriculture, nutrition interventions, water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions, early warning mechanisms, and disaster risk reduction.
The Feinstein Center is leading an applied research program on resilience linked with policy, practice and learning. This includes five elements:
- Baseline and endline surveys in the program areas
- A longitudinal study on livelihoods, nutrition and resilience
- A pastoralism learning for advocacy program
- Technical support for early warning mechanisms in Chad
- Advisory support to a community based Market Monitoring and Trade Analysis System in the Darfur region
We have engaged with stakeholders from the program areas up to national and international levels from the start of this work to ensure their engagement, endorsement, and uptake of research findings and recommendations.
Learn more about other BRACED projects here.

Transforming Pastoralist Mobility in West Darfur: Understanding Continuity and Change
Earlier studies have shown that pastoralist mobility offers significant advantages in drylands by enabling herds to access the best-quality grazing over the course of a year. These patterns of mobility face many...

تغير تنقل المواشي في غرب دارفور فهم الاستمرارية والتغيير
أظهرت الدراسات السابقة أنّ التنقل الذي يمارسه الرعاة يوفر مزايا كبيرة في الأراضي الجافة من خلال تمكين قطعان الماشية من الوصول إلى الرعي الأفضل جودة على مدار العام. تواجه أنماط...

Pastoralist Systems in Dar Sila, Chad
This study is a contribution to the understanding of pastoralism-farming dynamics in Dar Sila, in relation to their natural, social, and economic environment.

Systèmes pastoraux dans le Dar Sila, Tchad
Cette étude est une contribution à la compréhension de la dynamique pastorale-agricole dans le Dar Sila, en relation avec son environnement naturel, social et économique. L’étude était initialement destinée à...

Executive Summary: Pastoralist Systems in Dar Sila, Chad
The executive summary of a study that contributes to the understanding of pastoralism-farming dynamics in Dar Sila, in relation to their natural, social, and economic environment.

Résumé Exécutif: Systèmes pastoraux dans le Dar Sila, Tchad
Cette étude est une contribution à la compréhension de la dynamique pastorale-agricole dans le Dar Sila, en relation avec son environnement naturel, social et économique. L’étude était initialement destinée à...
Hussein Sulieman on Research Uptake in Sudan
Hussein Sulieman, Feinstein Visiting Fellow and Director of the Center for Remote Sensing & GIS at University of Gadarif in Sudan, discusses the importance of involving key stakeholders in research...
Dr. Ammar ElSheikh Idriss on Livestock in Sudan
Dr. Ammar ElSheikh Idriss, Director General of Planning and Livestock Economics at the Federal Ministry of Animal Resources in Sudan describes the situation of livestock in Sudan and explains how research...
The team that conducted the study “Transforming Pastoralist Mobility in West Darfur” wrote two blog posts as the study evolved to share early learning:
“Complexity, continuity and change: livelihood resilience in the Darfur region of Sudan”
This article explores the rural adaptations to environmental variability and the long-term transformations of livelihoods in local communities in Sudan. In addition, the article considers how a combination of factors having to do with adaptability have undermined integration between farming and pastoralism, and, as a result, risk specialist strategies of livelihood institutions.
Complexity, continuity and change: livelihood resilience in the Darfur region of Sudan.