The USAID funded PSNP Plus program ‘Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in Ethiopia’ was launched in late 2008 and will run until December 2011. The PSNP Plus was designed as a three-year program in support of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive safety Net Program (PSNP) which provides food and or cash to chronically food insecure households in exchange for labor on rural infrastructure projects, or direct transfers to households unable to participate in physical labor activities. A consortium of six international and national NGO’s is implementing the program led by CARE. The program was initially implemented in nine pilot woredas in Tigray, Amhara, Oromia and Dire Dawa regional states, with the overall goal of building household resilience and household assets through market linkages and access to microfinance. This goal is directly linked to the objective of facilitating the graduation of households from the PSNP and out of chronic food insecurity.
Impact Assessment of Small Ruminant and Value Chain Interventions


This report outlines an anticipatory insurance product designed to support farmers in the drought-prone regions of Malawi and Zambia.
This report presents the final findings from the USAID Nawiri longitudinal study, which investigated the drivers of the persistently high rates of acute malnutrition from September 2021 to September 2023.