Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) Plus
The Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) Plus project was designed as a three-year program in support of the Government of Ethiopia’s program that provides food and or cash to chronically food insecure households in exchange for labor on rural infrastructure projects or direct transfers to households unable to participate in physical labor activities.
The program was initially implemented in nine pilot woredas in Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, and Dire Dawa regional states, with the overall goal of building household resilience and household assets to make households food secure. To achieve this goal, the PSNP Plus used market-driven approaches to assist households to diversify their livelihoods, build assets, and link to financial services and markets. A consortium of six international and national NGO’s, led by CARE, implemented the program. The impact assessments contributed by the Feinstein International Center offer a number of recommendations for real-time adjustments based on the findings.

Structural Violence and Social Suffering among Marginal Nepali Migrants
Over the past decade, Nepal has witnessed a rapid process of social transformation which has accelerated after the end of the “people’s war”. In this report, the third in our...

Impact Assessment of Honey Microfinance and Livestock Value Chain Interventions Final Impact Assessment of the PSNP Plus project in Sekota
The USAID funded PSNP Plus program ‘Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in Ethiopia’ was launched in late 2008 and will run until December 2011. The PSNP Plus...

Lifting Livelihoods with Livestock A review of REST's livestock value addition practices in Raya Azebo, Ethiopia and potentials for diversification
Between 2008 and 2011, over two thousand households were provided with informal loans for livestock value addition in an effort to graduate them from the Productive Safety Net Programme in...

Impact Assessment of Livestock Value Chain Interventions Final Impact Assessment of the PSNP Plus Project in Raya Azebo
The USAID funded PSNP Plus program ‘Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in Ethiopia’ was launched in late 2008 and will run until December 2011. The PSNP Plus...

Impact Assessment of Microfinance Honey and Crop Value Chain Interventions Final Impact Assessment of the PSNP Plus Project in Doba Woreda
The USAID funded PSNP Plus program ‘Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in Ethiopia’ was launched in late 2008 and will run until December 2011. The PSNP Plus...

Impact Assessment of Small Ruminant and Value Chain Interventions Final Impact Assessment of the PSNP Plus Project in Dodota and Sire
The USAID funded PSNP Plus program ‘Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in Ethiopia’ was launched in late 2008 and will run until December 2011. The PSNP Plus...

Baseline and Mid-term Assessment of the PSNP Plus Project in Sire and Dodota Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in Ethiopia
This report presents the results from a baseline assessment of the PSNP Plus project in Sire and Dodota woreda’s in the Oromiya region of Ethiopia. These assessments are part of...

Baseline and Mid-term Assessment of the PSNP Plus Project in Doba Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in Ethiopia
This report presents the findings of the first two stages of an assessment of the PSNP Plus project in Doba woreda in West Hararghe. These assessments are part of a...