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WASH disease outbreak response

This evidence brief accompanies the full systematic review on WASH interventions in disease outbreak response.

WASH interventions on disease outbreak cover

How does the use of WASH interventions reduce disease outbreaks? This evidence synthesis identifies, synthesizes and evaluates the available evidence in order to find a response.

prioritize vulnerable populations

This is an evidence brief, accompanying the full systematic review on urban identification practices in humanitarian emergencies.

urban humanitarian emergencies

This systematic review represents the first ever attempt to systematically search, sort and synthesize the existing evidence in order to consolidate findings on the tools, methods and metrics used to identify and prioritize vulnerable people, households and communities, including those displaced within and to urban areas.

in-kind food assistance

This is an evidence brief, accompanying the full systematic review on the impact of in-kind food assistance on pastoralist livelihoods in humanitarian emergencies.

Showing 241-245 of 496 results

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