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Perspective on early marriage report cover

This briefing paper focuses on the decision-making processes that led displaced female youth to marry early, based on their experiences in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and South Sudan.

Early Pregnancy Report Cover

This briefing paper follows displaced female youth in South Sudan who had unintended pregnancies. It describes the circumstances leading to early pregnancy, their after becoming aware of their pregnancies, and the impact of their pregnancies on marriage, education, mental health, family relationships, and household economics.

Cover of Harnessing Informal Social Safety Nets Report

This report examines how informal social safety nets operate, the functions they serve, who benefits, and the obligations on community members in North and South Darfur.

Cover of Blue on Blue Report

This report reveals that sexual abuse is a major threat to uniformed peacekeepers, especially women. The UN and troop- and police-contributing countries have not adequately responded to the issue.

Report image: navigating and negotiating livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda

New shocks (such as Covid-19) and persistent shocks (such as livestock and crop disease) caused rapid changes for young men and women in the Karamoja sub-region of Uganda between 2019…

Showing 46-50 of 487 results