Reaching the Most Vulnerable through Budikadidi Group-Based Activities

The most vulnerable people in a rural village are not often able to benefit from group activities. Physical, social, or financial limitations keep them from equally participating in or contributing to group activities. When groups are self-selecting, the most vulnerable are less able to compete for limited membership, and the final group composition is likely to be less supportive of the most vulnerable. In villages with weak formal governance, high competition for membership, and no groups designed specifically to meet the needs and capacities of the most vulnerable, the Budikadidi program struggled to reach the most vulnerable people through mainstream activities. However, when the program created groups specifically adapted to the unique needs and limitations of the most vulnerable, these people were able to participate and benefit from the program. Further, the increased social connectivity within the group provided a sustainable social safety net that benefited the participants as much as the program activities themselves.






Report cover thumbnail

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Cover of Report "Sex, age (and more) still matter"

This report reviews progress, outlines barriers to further progress, and makes recommendations to advance gender equality in the humanitarian system.

Thumbnail of Famine Prevention Report Cover

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Thumbnail of brief cover: Experiences of young women in four districts of Karamoja, Uganda

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Thumbnail of brief cover page: An analysis of absolute wealth, equality, and food security

This brief investigates how wealth, wealth equality, and food security have changed in specific villages in four districts in the Karamoja sub-region of Uganda from 2018 to 2021/22. 

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