Growth, Health, and Governance, Karamoja, Uganda
The Feinstein International Center is one of the international partners on Mercy Corps’ Growth, Health and Governance (GHG) project in the Karamoja region of northeastern Uganda. This USAID-funded five year project (2012-2017) aims to improve livelihoods outcomes for the pastoral, agro-pastoral, and agrarian populations in the region. Each year, Feinstein conducts research in collaboration with Mercy Corps to inform and improve their programming.

Alcohol in Karamoja Uganda: Observations and Remaining Questions
This briefing paper examines alcohol brewing and consumption in Karamoja, Uganda from the health and economic perspectives.

Five years on: Livelihood advances, innovations, and continuing challenges in Karamoja, Uganda
This fifth year report examines key areas of change in Karamoja over the past five years to inform development programming decisions.

A Better Balance: Revitalized Pastoral Livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda
This report reviews the state of animal-based livelihoods in the Karamoja region of northeastern Uganda and examines how animal ownership affects a household’s ability to weather shocks.

“We now have relative peace”: Changing Conflict Dynamics in Northern Karamoja, Uganda
This study provides a nuanced understanding of the transformation of violence for women, men, girls and boys in northern Karamoja at the household, community, district and the regional levels. Drivers...

“It’s Better to Sweat than to Die:” Rural-to-Urban Migration, Northern Karamoja, Uganda
Much of the literature on urbanization focuses on migration to large cities. In contrast, this report traces the process, challenges, and opportunities of rural-urban migration to towns and small cities...

Livelihood Dynamics in Northern Karamoja A Participatory Baseline Study for the Growth Health and Governance Program
This report documents the findings of a livelihoods assessment carried out as part of the USAID funded Growth, Health and Governance program being implemented by Mercy Corps and partners in...