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This study examines the links between early warning and early action (EW-EA) in East Africa. The report deals specifically with new technology in predictive analytics and machine learning to enhance approaches to EW-EA.

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This study examines the links between early warning and early action (EW-EA) in East Africa. The report describes existing regional and national EW-EA systems.

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This study examines the links between early warning and early action in East Africa. The report provides the background to the study, a brief conceptual overview, the main findings of the study, and the recommendations to FAO and IGAD.

NRM and Nutrition Desk Study Report Cover

This study seeks to understand how land access and natural resource management policies, institutions, and relationships are changing in the Kenyan ASALs, with what consequences and for whom, and the potential impact on livelihoods, food security, and nutritional status.

This brief report presents initial findings from a study investigating the role of social networks in Yemen’s humanitarian crisis.

Showing 36-40 of 190 results