Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition
Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition (CRAM) is an integrated intervention model that Concern Worldwide has been implementing in the Sila region of Chad since 2011. The model is designed to improve resilience to shocks and disasters in a region that experiences on-going food insecurity related to unpredictable rainfall patterns, market price hikes, limited community and household assets, and limited alternate livelihood options. Learn more about the CRAM program here.
The Feinstein Center partnered with Concern to:
- Rigorously test the impact of the CRAM model on community resilience to shocks in the Sila region of Chad.
- Explore how remote sensing data can provide accurate information to make early warning predictions in the Sila region of Chad using rainfall, crop production, and food security data.

Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment
This report describes the results of an impact assessment on Concern Worldwide's program in eastern Chad aimed at reducing malnutrition.

Eau, betail et malnutrition: Résultats d’une étude d’impact
This is the French version of the report, Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment.
Linking Malnutrition to Water and Livestock in Chad
Anastasia Marshak discusses the findings from an impact evaluation of Concern Worldwide’s multisectoral intervention, which reduced the prevalence of acute and chronic malnutrition among children in eastern Chad.