SUBJECT: Education


Youth are simultaneously the primary victims and the primary actors in the two-decade long war in northern Uganda. While we know that youth have suffered (and continue to do so),…

This report presents new data on insecurity and changing livelihoods from the perspective of male youth in southern Karamoja, Uganda, and includes an evaluation of a pilot communication and relationship…

This case study explores how the Syrian influx has affected Tripoli, including how relationships between Lebanese and Syrians have deteriorated as competition over jobs intensifies, security concerns increase, and decrepit public infrastructure has been further strained.

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This USAID-funded five year project (2012-2017) aims to improve livelihoods outcomes for the pastoral, agro-pastoral, and agrarian populations in the region.

The Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium aims to generate a stronger evidence base on how people in conflict-affected situations make a living, access basic services like health care, education and water, and perceive and engage with governance at local and national levels.

Our latest research shows that we do not know enough about early marriage to design programs and policies that effectively support female youth in the ways that they need. This study is generating the evidence humanitarians need.