The CORD consortium works to protect health and build resilience in climate-related disasters. We collect and analyze data on the health effects of climate-related disasters, illuminating how vulnerable populations are affected around the world.
This project aims to improve the lives and livelihoods of populations in pastoral areas of the Sudano-Sahel and Greater Horn of Africa by ensuring that early warning systems and humanitarian action are better attuned and more responsive to the needs and realities of these communities.
This study is a partnership with Concern Worldwide that aims to inform programming around water, livestock, and nutrition in the Goz Beida area. It investigates the seasonal patterns of acute malnutrition and its key drivers in the Goz Beida Region.
The One Nutrition in Complex Environments (ONCE) study tests a new way of preventing and addressing acute malnutrition through a cluster-randomized trial.
This project collects and commissions case studies of urban settings (towns, cities or sub-areas of cities) in which refugees or internally displaced people have been living for more than two years.
This project seeks to provide timely, precise, and insightful documentary evidence and analysis, drawing on our investigation into how victims and survivors view and experience these justice mechanisms. We aim to inform the processes as well as policies and responses that emerge as the processes unfold.
The Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU) is an initiative of USAID/Uganda aimed at increasing resilience and economic development in the Karamoja Region of Uganda.