by Ann O'Brien | January 15, 2016
This policy brief presents the implications of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy for the people they strive to assist, Sweden’s own humanitarian policy and operations, and more broadly the whole humanitarian community. It provides recommendations on how a...
by Roxanne Krystalli | November 11, 2015
This briefing paper accompanies a full report on synthesizing evidence appraisal practices to inform evidence syntheses in the Humanitarian Evidence Program. It is addressed to all audiences interested in humanitarian evidence, including but not limited to...
by Anne Radday | August 15, 2015
This is the second briefing paper emerging from a longer report on humanitarian action and partnerships in remote management settings. This briefing paper offers key insights and findings on the sustainability of local organizations in the face of donor withdrawal in...
by Roxanne Krystalli | April 27, 2015
This is the first briefing paper emerging from a longer report on humanitarian action and partnerships in remote management settings. This paper offers key insights and findings on the challenges faced by partners in remote management settings. It also sheds light on...
by Roxanne Krystalli | April 10, 2015
This publication accompanies a catalog of existing evidence syntheses in the humanitarian sector and discusses the methodological approach to this exercise. The purpose of this study was three-fold: (a) to identify gaps in the existing humanitarian evidence base,...