The Resurgence of Conflict in Karamoja, Uganda – KRSU publishes two new reports

After a period of relative peace and stability, violent livestock raiding and other forms of conflict are once again driving a food security crisis in Karamoja in the far northeast of Uganda. Our Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU) has just released two reports to guide more effective government and donor responses to the conflict.

Authored by Raphael Lotira and Elizabeth Stites,  The Return of Conflict in Karamoja, Uganda: Community Perspectives describes how communities themselves view the causes and perpetrators of conflict, the limitations of current conflict prevention programs, and how conflict can be better prevented and managed.

Authored by Elizabeth Stites, Conflict in Karamoja: A Synthesis of Historical and Current Perspectives, 1920-2022 summarizes the changing nature of conflict in Karamoja, and the emergence of new conflict factors such livestock commercialization.

The KRSU is funded by USAID and the Embassy of Ireland.