Erin Coughlan de Perez and colleagues publish in Nature Climate Change

As the global focus on adaptation to climate change intensifies, it becomes crucial to ensure that these efforts are effective and avoid unintended negative consequences.

The first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement and the Global Goal on Adaptation is due in 2023. Assessing adaptation responses is fraught with challenges because of a lack of consensus, and examples of maladaptation are increasing.

In a new paper published in Nature Climate Change, researcher Diana Reckien and co-authors, including Erin Coughlan de Perez, propose a framework to reduce the risk of maladaptation.

The Navigating the Adaptation–Maladaptation continuum (NAM) framework consists of six criteria relating to adaptation outcomes for ecosystems, greenhouse gases emissions, social systems, low-income populations, women and girls, and marginalized ethnic groups.

This NAM-framework can be revolutionary in decision-making processes for climate adaptation interventions, fostering a more equitable and sustainable future.

Read the full paper in Nature Climate Change.