Devex’s June 6, 2017 story on sexual assault against aid workers praised Dyan Mazurana and Phoebe Donnelly’s recent report. The article describes the report and other recent finding on the…
Aid workers face an underreported sexual violence crisis These South Sudanese soldiers are among those accused of rape, torture, killing and looting during an attack on aid workers. AP Photo/Bullen…
In May, Feinstein faculty and researchers conducted several workshops for students (particularly those with upcoming summer research internships) to help them prepare for practicalities in the field: Kim Wilson and…
Karen Jacobsen spoke at a workshop, Migrant Journeys Interrupted: Challenges of “Permanent Transience,” in Tijuana, Mexico, on May 20, 2017. The Tijuana workshop focused on cities in Mexico that are…
A report by Merry Fitzpatrick and Helen Young, Risk and Returns: Household Priorities for Resilient Livelihoods in Darfur, was featured in OCHA’s Sudan: Humanitarian Bulletin | Issue 7 | 27…
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