After a period of relative peace and stability, violent livestock raiding and other forms of conflict are once again driving a food security crisis in Karamoja in the far northeast…

On October 20, 2022, the Feinstein International Center celebrated 25 years of promoting the use of evidence and learning in operational and policy responses to protect and strengthen the lives,…

Action Against Hunger’s Together Against Hunger Conference took place on October 12 and 13, 2022. This event connected doers, activists, philanthropists, and policymakers to reevaluate and reboot the fight against…

A year after Paul Howe assumed leadership of the Feinstein International Center, TuftsNow sat down with him to understand his aspirations for the center and his thoughts on humanitarian assistance. Read the…

Across East Africa’s pastoralist areas, people’s livelihoods are increasingly diversified. Although education is a pathway to positive livelihood options, levels of formal education and literacy in these areas fall far…

Showing 81-85 of 514 results

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