Child acute malnutrition remains a persistent scourge affecting an estimated 50 million children around the world, despite ongoing efforts to reduce it. The Feinstein International Center and the Food and…

Researchers studying international organizations often rely on documents produced by these organizations but can face challenges in analyzing large amounts of available text. Evan Easton-Calabria and William Allen have co-written a…

As the global focus on adaptation to climate change intensifies, it becomes crucial to ensure that these efforts are effective and avoid unintended negative consequences. The first global stocktake of…

Sudan and its people have been plunged into a devastating crisis, the intensity and scale of which Sudan has never experienced before. Over 4 million people have been displaced in…

As millions of refugees spill from the world’s conflict zones, 70 percent of refugees flee to neighboring nations that are often impoverished and struggling. Despite the huge pressures that these…

Showing 46-50 of 514 results

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