Anastasia Marshak presents findings on water, livestock, and malnutrition

On April 12, 2017 Anastasia Marshak, Helen Young, and Concern Worldwide colleague Michelle Wilson were hosted by USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance to present findings from her impact evaluation of Concern Worldwide’s Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition (CRAM) program in eastern Chad.

Michelle shared information about Concern’s CRAM program in Chad and additional Concern programming in Chad and Sudan under Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED). Anastasia’s  presentation focused on the findings that point to a likely driver of malnutrition: livestock and humans sharing the same water points, thereby introducing a malnutrition-causing pathogen (cryptosporidium parvum) into water transport and storage containers. Helen discussed wider program and policy implications.

View the presentation here.

Read the full report here.