In January 2022, the Mozambique Red Cross activated its anticipatory action (AA) protocol in response to tropical storm Ana, distributing non-food items to 855 people in the Mocuba district of…
Carolyn Van Sant
Carolyn coordinates the work of the Academic Alliance for Anticipatory Action (4As) by supporting collaborative research activities among seven partner universities around the world. She tracks and reports 4As work, coordinates consortium wide meetings, and assists with evaluation planning and data analysis. Her research interests are food security, nutrition, humanitarian programming, and program evaluation.
Prior to joining the 4As project, Carolyn supported the One Nutrition in Complex Emergencies (ONCE) project as Research Assistant. For ONCE she supported the creation of an agricultural production survey including questionnaire development, testing, and programming. She also supported data collection activities in Uganda for a household survey, agriculture knowledge survey, and agricultural production survey.
Carolyn joined the Friedman School and the Feinstein International Center after 15 years in the private sector, where she worked as a process analyst and project manager completing quantitative and qualitative reviews aimed at improving outcomes for people within the organization.
Carolyn received a B.A. in comparative sociology from University of Puget Sound and a Master of Nutrition Science and Policy from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy.