This report describes the process and findings of an evaluation of community-based animal health workers (CAHWs) in Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. Overall, the researchers find that CAHWs continue to…
This report presents the findings of two cohort studies assessing the impact of small-scale livestock interventions, designed to sustain access to and availability of animal milk at the household level over the dry season, on the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age.
This case study examines how alternative approaches to rinderpest eradication evolved in the complex emergency context of southern Sudan. It also explores how initial experiences informed the establishment of a large scale community based animal health worker (CAHW) system.
This project is a collaboration between Feinstein and Vetwork UK to evaluate community-based animal health worker (CAHW) services in Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan on behalf of the US Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).
This project consists of two case studies on large-scale livestock programs in South Sudan and Somalia, focusing on issues of program impacts, coordination, and community participation.
This project supported community-based animal health worker (CAHW) systems in pastoralist areas, and contributed to the final eradication of rinderpest under the Pan African Program for the Control of Epizootics.