Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED), is a £140m project designed to improve the resilience of the most poor to climate extremes and shocks.
Abdelaziz Karmalla Gaiballa
Abdelaziz Karamalla Gaiballa is a professor at the College of Forestry and Range Science at Sudan University of Science and Technology. His research interests include, applications of remote sensing in rangelands assessment and management, pastoralism, conflict over resources, policy directions, resilience, food security, and rural community development. Abdelaziz is regularly involved in regional and international joint research focused on these issues.
Abdelaziz works with Feinstein on a variety of studies related to natural resources management, policy directions, and pastoralism development. He is the team leader of the Pastoralism Support Team that adapted pastoralism training material for the Sudan context, supported by Tufts.