Project Author




The Feinstein Center partnered with Concern Worldwide to (1) rigorously test the impact of the CRAM model on community resilience to shocks and (2) to explore how remote sensing data can provide accurate information to make early warning predictions in the Sila region of Chad.

The Planning From the Future project aims to influence the direction of ‘non-traditional’ and traditional humanitarian actors to help them deal with a rapidly changing and potentially increasingly vulnerable world.

This project investigates the practice of pastoralism in Sudan, offering recommendations for policymakers and service providers interacting with communities that include pastoralists.

Feinstein provides advisory support to a community-based market monitoring network in the Darfur Region. This project seeks to deepen analysis and understanding of the shifting patterns of trade and markets in Darfur on an ongoing basis for key agricultural and livestock commodities; identify how livelihoods and the economy can be supported through trade; and identify peace-building opportunities through trade.

The AKLDP is a five-year project of USAID Ethiopia which provides collaborative learning and coordination support across the Feed the Future portfolio, leading to improved agriculture, livestock and pastoral policy and programming.

Showing 36-40 of 82 results