by Zineb Ouardaoui | August 12, 2020
Budikadidi is a five-year (2016-2021) development program to promote self-sufficiency and improved nutrition in the isolated, under-developed Kasai Orientale Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).The Feinstein International Center is leading three studies under this program.
by Zineb Ouardaoui | August 12, 2020
This study found that there is a relatively small overlap between people deemed the most influential and the elected committee members of self-organizing groups.
by Zineb Ouardaoui | August 12, 2020
Sometimes a group of people within a community exist somewhat separately. A clique is a subset of people within a larger group that has intense interaction within the subset but less interaction with people in the larger group. Within a clique, information passes...
by Zineb Ouardaoui | August 12, 2020
This brief explores the role of Neighbor Groups and Lead Mothers in supporting parents to care for their children in Budikaki.
by Zineb Ouardaoui | August 12, 2020
The Budikadidi program struggled to reach the most vulnerable people through mainstream activities. However, when the program created groups specifically adapted to the unique needs and limitations of the most vulnerable, these people were able to participate and benefit from the program.