Food Security Measurement
Under this project, a variety of food security indicators are incorporated into field surveys of other studies in order to assess their applicability, cost, reliability, and internal, external, and construct validity.
Under this project, a variety of food security indicators are incorporated into field surveys of other studies in order to assess their applicability, cost, reliability, and internal, external, and construct validity.
This project is a collaboration between Feinstein and Vetwork UK to evaluate community-based animal health worker (CAHW) services in Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan on behalf of the US Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).
This study aims to build upon the existing—but limited—literature and will examine the effectiveness of a large-scale food supplementation program for PLWHA (people living with HIV/AIDS) in a field setting in Ethiopia.
This study documents existing practices and gaps, and builds the evidence base, for community-based targeting practices in complex emergencies. Program guidance materials were developed for WFP on the basis of the findings.