Livestock, Livelihoods, and Disaster Response:  PART TWO

Livestock, Livelihoods, and Disaster Response: PART TWO

Tufts University and the Feinstein International Center are pleased to announce the publication of a two part review of emergency livestock interventions in Sudan. Livestock production is a crucial livelihood strategy for farmers and pastoralists throughout Sudan, and...
Livestock, Livelihoods, and Disaster Response:  PART ONE

Livestock, Livelihoods, and Disaster Response:  PART ONE

Tufts University and the Feinstein International Center are pleased to announce the publication of a two part review of emergency livestock interventions in Sudan. Livestock production is a crucial livelihood strategy for farmers and pastoralists throughout Sudan, and...
Livelihood Dynamics in Northern Karamoja

Livelihood Dynamics in Northern Karamoja

This report documents the findings of a livelihoods assessment carried out as part of the USAID funded Growth, Health and Governance program being implemented by Mercy Corps and partners in the Karamoja sub-region of Northeastern Uganda. The assessment is one...
Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihoods

Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihoods

According to the Hyogo Framework for Action, disasters affect over 200 million people annually, causing significant loss of lives, forced migration, and disruption of livelihoods and institutions. The trend over the past 15–20 years points to a greater frequency of...