IRIN Interviews Antonio Donini

IRIN asks Antonio Donini, a senior researcher at the Feinstein International Center, three questions as part of their Humanitarian Futures interview series

  1. What will the humanitarian landscape look like in 10 years?
  2. What will be the role of the state?
  3. What is not working?

About IRIN from their website:
IRIN standing for Integrated Regional Information Networks – has its head office in Nairobi, Kenya, with regional desks in Nairobi, Johannesburg, Dakar, Dubai and Bangkok, covering some 70 countries.

IRIN was launched in 1995, in response to the gap in humanitarian reporting exposed by the Rwandan genocide and its aftermath. It is an editorially independent, non-profit project of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), funded entirely by voluntary contributions from governments and other institutions.