Daniele Lantagne and team present WASH studies at international conferences

In May 2023, Daniele Lantagne and her team attended the Global WASH Cluster Annual Meeting and the Emergency Environmental Health Forum in Budapest. During the week, the team presented their current research to WASH implementers, researchers, donors, and policymakers.

  • Jitka Hiscox presented their new grant, “Incorporating Research into Practice:  WASH in Humanitarian Response.” This BHA-funded project is designed to ensure research moves to action, and includes webinars, data repositories on the Global WASH Cluster, plain language summaries of manuscripts, and research assistance to the Global WASH Cluster and partners in humanitarian contexts.
  • Camille Heylen presented “Evaluating Chlorine Taste and Odor Acceptance to Inform Chlorination Target Recommendations in Kyaka II (Uganda)”
  • Marine Ricau presented “Barriers and Facilitators to Fecal Sludge Treatment in Humanitarian Camp Settings: An Evidence Synthesis”

The team also held it’s second webinar in its series on Humanitarian WASH Research Updates. This webinar focused on case-area targeted interventions in cholera response. The event featured Daniele Lantagne, Jitka Hiscox (Tufts), Lindsay Salem-Bango (Johns Hopkins University), Andrea Martinsen (CDC), Thomas Handzel (CDC), and Ruwan Ratnayake (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).