Karen Jacobsen and Marina Lazetic presented their recent work on the impact of climate change (mainly rapid onset events) on displacement and migration within the U.S. at the Migration, Displacement…
Erin Coughlan de Perez presented at the first-ever Analysis and Evidence Week, hosted by the the Analysis and Evidence team at the International Committee of the Red Cross from November…
When ‘hunker down’ isn’t an option: The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season showed how low-income communities face the highest risks People wade through high water to evacuate a flooded home in…
In November 2021, Pastoralism released with a special section of articles coming out of the Karamoja Resilience Support Unit’s 2019 conference “Pathways to Resilience in the Karamoja Cluster.” It includes…
In November 2021, Nature Climate Change Journal published an article that groundbreaking collaboration with more than 100 people, to answer the question globally: Are humans adapting to climate change? Lea…
Showing 131-135 of 511 results