A presentation on “Upholding Livelihoods, Peace and Food Security in Darfur Region of Sudan” was given by Helen Young of Tufts University and Hussein Sulieman of the University of El…

The situation in the Horn of Africa continued to worsen through 2022 and into 2023. The region has now experienced five below-average rainy seasons in a row—a drought of unprecedented…

Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation, edited by Kimberly Theidon, Dyan Mazurana, and Dipali Anumol, has been published by Oxford University Press. This book: provides cutting-edge…

In 2022 Karamoja’s severe and long-term food security and livelihoods problems evolved into a humanitarian crisis, with substantial loss of human life. Authored by Adrian Cullis and Raphael Lotira Arasio,…

Evan Easton-Calabria joined the final LocalTalks discussion for 2022 to look at designing spaces for refugees. This event encouraged the audience to think critically about design responses to spaces for…

Showing 71-75 of 514 results

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