Humanitarian Evidence Program launches survey on evidence-based research, policy, and practice
The Humanitarian Evidence Program has launched a new survey to identify topic areas and research questions in the humanitarian sector that are in need of an evidence synthesis and review. The intended participants in this survey are researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the humanitarian sector from a variety of different institutional perspectives. Results are anonymous, unless participants choose to provide their contact information, and the survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. The program team encourages colleagues in the humanitarian sector to share the survey within their networks.
The goal of the Humanitarian Evidence Program is to strengthen the evidence base of humanitarian policy and practice. Over the course of 2.5 years, the program will commission a series of systematic and literature reviews to distill and synthesize evidence-based research in the humanitarian sector. The program will then communicate findings to key researchers, policymakers, and humanitarian practitioners, with the ultimate goal of improving humanitarian decision-making, policy and practice. The current survey , which will run through October 2014, seeks to identify topic areas and research questions in need of evidence synthesis and review.
The Humanitarian Evidence Program is a DFID-funded partnership between Oxfam GB and the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University.
For questions about the survey, or the Humanitarian Evidence Program at large, please contact Program Manager Roxanne Krystalli .