Livestock Exports from the Horn of Africa

Livestock Exports from the Horn of Africa

Support to the export of pastoralist livestock from the Horn of Africa is often viewed by aid organizations as a key poverty reduction strategy. Drawing on existing literature and field research in Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan, this report examines if and how different wealth groups benefit from the export trade.

Milk Matters

Milk Matters

This report is the outcome of the first phase of Milk Matters: a joint venture between the Feinstein International Center, Save the Children USA and Save the Children UK in Ethiopia. Milk Matters ultimately aims to improve the nutritional status of children in...
Changing Roles, Shifting Risks

Changing Roles, Shifting Risks

This report is the result of the first phase of a partnership with Save the Children in Uganda. Based on field work conducted in April 2009 in Moroto and Kotido Districts, Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda examines...
Aid and Violence

Aid and Violence

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) launched its “People’s War” in 1996. The Maoists’ rise to power was impressive by any standard. After a successful showing at the polls for the Constituent Assembly in April 2008, they became the strongest organized political...
Targeting in Complex Emergencies: Darfur Case Study

Targeting in Complex Emergencies: Darfur Case Study

Can community-based approaches to the targeting of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies improve participation and reduce targeting error? Although the literature suggests that community-based targeting works best in slow-onset emergencies with no conflict or...