Urban Profiling of Refugee Situations in Delhi

Urban Profiling of Refugee Situations in Delhi

India is host to refugees from all its neighboring countries, and in addition, in New Delhi, UNHCR assists over 24,000 urban refugees and asylum-seekers originating from Myanmar and non-neighboring countries such as Afghanistan and Somalia. From January – June...
Ransom, Collaborators, Corruption

Ransom, Collaborators, Corruption

Each month thousands of men, women, and children flee Eritrea as a result of grave violations of human rights committed by the Eritrean government. Traveling via Sudan and Egypt, 36,000 Eritreans have made their way to Israel over the past six years, via a...
Making Gender-Just Remedy and Reparation Possible

Making Gender-Just Remedy and Reparation Possible

Victims of serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law have a clearly established right to remedy and reparation. This right must be recognized without discrimination of any kind. Processes of remedy and reparation therefore...