Roxani Krystalli examines how to use evidence in humanitarian action

On July 20, 2016, Roxani Krystalli joined ALNAP’s webinar entitled “Planning with Evidence: Cutting edge Practices.” This was the first webinar in ALNAP’s new series dedicated to evidence, “Bridging the Evidence Gap.”

Roxani discussed the Humanitarian Evidence Program, a joint Oxfam/Feinstein program that is producing a series of eight reviews to distill humanitarian evidence and communicate it to key stakeholders in order to enable better decision-making and improve humanitarian policy and practice.

On the webinar, Roxani described why a systematic review of evidence matters, how Feinstein and Oxfam are doing it, why the program selected the eight specific areas to review, and insights and challenges to be aware of for others who undertake this work.

Roxani’s presentation can be heard here.