Karamoja Resilience Support Unit conducted training on pastoralism and policy options in East Africa

The Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU) partnered with International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) to conduct a five day (19-23rd March 2018) training of trainers’ (TOT) course on Pastoralism and Policy Options in East Africa. The 33 trainees were professors and lecturers from Makerere and Gulu Universities; policy researchers from Ugandan think tank Center for Basic Research (CBR); and policy advocates from civil society organization Karamoja Development Forum (KDF).

This training is part of KRSU’s support to the Government of Uganda to build the capacity of these institutions to adapt and integrate pastoralism and policy courses as part of their teaching, research, and outreach services. Through an ongoing series of ToTs, the trainees will be supported to develop curriculum and student text books to be integrated into existing university taught courses in select departments including, schools of veterinary medicine, agriculture and environmental sciences, animal sciences, and development studies.

The Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU) is a four-year project of USAID/Uganda aimed at increasing resilience and economic development in the Karamoja Region of northeast Uganda. The Feinstein International Center implements the project.