Feinstein’s team in Addis presents at Ethiopian Veterinary Association Conference

The AKLDP disseminated the Public Private Partnerships for Selected Livestock Services and Facilities  at the 31st Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association (EVA), held on September 5-6, 2017 in Addis Ababa. The conference was officially opened by his Excellency Professor Fekedu Beyene, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries (MoLF). Key note addresses were given by Dr. Debretsion G/Michael, Minister of Information and Communication Technology and Dr. Getahun Mekuria, Minister of Science and Technology. More than 700 professionals gathered from all over the country to attend the conference. The Guest of honor in his opening remark acknowledged the role USAID/AKLDP project played.

The conference finally passed the following resolutions pertaining to Public Private Partnerships (PPP):

  • The MoLF to establish a PPP unit/focal point within the ministry to facilitate the implementation process
  • The EVA to establish a Champions group to expedite the implementation process,
  • The MoLF and EVA to work closely with Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation to facilitate the implementation of PPP in the livestock sector