Faculty host workshop on ethics and practicalities of field work
On May 12, 2015, Professors Karen Jacobsen (Acting Director, Feinstein International Center), Dyan Mazurana (Research Director on Gender, Youth and Community), and Kim Wilson (Visiting Fellow) co-hosted a day-long workshop on ethics and practicalities of field work and research. The goals of the workshop, as articulated by the organizers, were:
1) Enhance students’ practical and ethical preparation for work in the field
2) Students understand self security and well being, and how to heighten their resilience
3) Students understand the importance of respect of local populations and organizations
4) Students gain confidence to ask questions about ethics and behavior in the field with trusted others
5) Students better understand possible avenues to build capacity (of themselves and others) in the field
The workshop took place at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and was sponsored by the Initiative for Mass Atrocities and Genocide (IMAGe).