Daniele Lantagne and colleagues publish on cholera responses

Cholera outbreaks are on the rise globally, driven by climate change and political instability.

In conflict-affected settings especially, inadequate water and sanitation, high population density, and weakened health services contribute to higher risk of cholera epidemics.

Studies have suggested that targeted interventions based on proximity may be effective in cholera outbreak response, and thus case-area targeted interventions (CATIs) have become increasingly common.

In a paper published in PLOS Medicine, Jennifer O’Keeffe, Lindsay Salem-Bango, and co-authors, including Daniele Lantagne, examine CATIs during the 2021 cholera epidemic in conflict-affected Northeast Nigeria.

The authors’ findings suggest that CATIs played a crucial role in controlling the outbreak, resulting in a substantial reduction in cholera clustering.

Read the open-access paper in PLOS Medicine