Kimberly Howe and Elizabeth Stites presented on FIC’s work on cross-border partnerships and humanitarian assistance into northern Syria at the US Department of State and USAID on April 27, 2015. The briefings focused…
On May 12, 2015, Professors Karen Jacobsen (Acting Director, Feinstein International Center), Dyan Mazurana (Research Director on Gender, Youth and Community), and Kim Wilson (Visiting Fellow) co-hosted a day-long workshop…
Dr. Dyan Mazurana, Feinstein International Center’s Research Director on Gender, Youth, and Community, and Keith Proctor, Visiting Fellow, have co-authored a chapter on the role and function of gender analysis…
On May 7, 2015, two students of the Master of Arts in Humanitarian Assistance (MAHA) program presented their capstone projects. Lulwa al-Khilani presented a thesis titled “Displaced and Stateless: Palestinian…
Helen Young, Feinstein International Center’s Research Director for Nutrition, Livelihoods and Conflict, has collaborated with Lisa Goldman of the Environmental Law Institute to co-edit a new book titled Livelihoods, Natural Resources,…
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