The Feinstein International Center is proud to announce the establishment of an annual award to honor the memory and legacy of Sabina Carlson Robillard. We are grateful for the alumni,…

Many of the most pressing climate adaptation challenges facing Africa are concentrated in the drylands, which face drought as well as other shocks like disease outbreaks, floods, or conflicts. Pastoral…

On January 17, 2024, British lawmakers passed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s bill to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. Despite strongly criticizing the bill during its first debate, the House of…

On January 12, 2024, Massachusetts launched a Climate Science Advisory Panel to provide expertise on statewide climate science and future projections. The panel will advise the new Massachusetts Office of…

As global studies of climate change depict increasingly dire outcomes of extreme heat, there is an urgent need to understand the appropriateness of heatwave definitions and temperature datasets in different…

Showing 31-35 of 510 results

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