On December 8, 2024, Syria’s 13-year civil war entered a new phase as dictator Bashar al-Assad fled to Moscow following the collapse of his regime. The fall of Assad marked…

Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation, edited by Kimberly Theidon, Dyan Mazurana, and Dipali Anumol, has been awarded the American Anthropological Association’s Council on Anthropology and…

On November 15, 2024 the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Development and World Food Programme launched their new publication, Policy in Focus, at the G20 Social Summit. In an article…

The rising frequency of climate-related disasters, including the recent U.S. hurricanes, raises concerns over how to pay for recoveries, particularly in poorer countries that have contributed the least to climate…

Over the past 15 years, the re-emergence of famine and near-famine events has challenged the notion that famine could soon be eradicated. Factors such as conflict, climate change, and economic…

Showing 6-10 of 514 results

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