Since 2019, Kimberly Howe and Elizabeth Stites have been working on a cohort study that provides a rare and holistic view into the lives of female youth living in displacement…
Each month, the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at the University of Manchester pulls together recent important reports, peer-reviewed articles, and blog posts to create the Humanitarian Evidence and…
Syrian earthquake devastated an area that was already a disaster zone – and highlights the vital role of local aid groups Kimberly Howe, Tufts University Three weeks after the February 2023…
Evan Easton-Calabria co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Humanitarian Affairs (Volume 4: Issue 3 (March 2023)) on refugee livelihoods and the digital economy. The special issue focuses on…
Hussein Sulieman and Helen Young published their article, “The Resilience and Adaptation of Pastoralist Livestock Mobility in a Protracted Conflict Setting: West Darfur, Sudan” in Nomadic Peoples Volume 27, Number…
Showing 61-65 of 511 results