This case report explores the challenges faced by Afghan refugees who had been living in Pakistan and returned to Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan. It explores the returnees’ experience of reintegration back into their home country and focuses on their access to...
Winning Hearts and Minds? Examining the Relationship between Aid and Security in Afghanistan
This paper by Paul Fishstein and Andrew Wilder presents findings from research conducted by FIC in five provinces of Afghanistan between July 2008 and January 2010 on the relationship between aid projects and security. Afghanistan has been a testing ground for a key...
Winning Hearts and Minds?: Examining the Relationship between Aid and Security in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province
Afghanistan has been a testing ground for a key aspect of counterinsurgency doctrine, namely that humanitarian and development projects can help to bring or maintain security in strategically important environments, and by “winning hearts and minds” undermine support...
Afghanistan: Humanitarianism under Threat
Based on extensive field interviews in Afghanistan, this briefing paper is an update of a 2006 study on perceptions of humanitarian action in Afghanistan, which was part of the Humanitarian Agenda 2015 research program. The paper highlights critical issues affecting...
Humanitarian Agenda 2015 : Afghanistan Country Study
The four themes of the HA 2015 research come together in Afghanistan with clear-cut relevance. The externality of the aid enterprise and the baggage that comes with it—values, lifestyle, attitude, and behavior of aid workers—challenge the purported universality of...
Winning Hearts and Minds?: Examining the Relationship between Aid and Security in Afghanistan’s Faryab Province
Afghanistan has been a testing ground for a key aspect of counterinsurgency doctrine, namely that humanitarian and development projects can help to bring or maintain security in strategically important environments, and by “winning hearts and minds” undermine support...
Winning Hearts and Minds?: Examining the Relationship between Aid and Security in Afghanistan’s Balkh Province
Afghanistan has been a testing ground for a key aspect of counterinsurgency doctrine, namely that humanitarian and development projects can help to bring or maintain security in strategically important environments, and by “winning hearts and minds” undermine support...
Afghanistan: Humanitarianism Unraveled?
Researchers at the Feinstein International Center (FIC) at Tufts University have embarked on a major two-year research project on Humanitarian Action and Politics. This project builds upon and expands on the earlier research on Humanitarian Agenda 2015 -- Principles,...
Dyan Mazurana quoted in Boston Globe editorial on Afghanistan
On April 18, 2022, the Boston Globe editorial "The world must help the girls of Afghanistan" described how the Taliban is restricting education for girls and women and looked at the levers that the West can pull to try to change this course. The article notes that...
Dyan Mazurana and Fletcher Network help Evacuate Alumni from Afghanistan
As the Taliban overthrew the Afghan government in August 2021, a small Fletcher School team mobilized a network of Tufts alumni and faculty to help evacuate Afghan alumni and their families who faced imminent peril. Dyan Mazurana was an instrumental member of this...