SUBJECT: Nutrition, Malnutrition


The people of Ethiopia today are managing the risks and vulnerabilities generated by a serious drought, profound vulnerability to disease epidemics (human, crop and livestock), and a combination of local…

The World Food Programme has been providing humanitarian food assistance to vulnerable communities and groups in Southern Sudan for over twenty years, but circumstances have changed following the signing of…

This study was an impact assessment of the “Gokwe Integrated Recovery Action Project” (GIRA) a drought recovery and famine mitigation intervention being implemented by Africare in the Midlands Province of…

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This is a prospective cohort study that aims to examine the operational effectiveness of community case management (CCM) of SAM delivered by CHVs.

This project seeks primarily to clarify some of the underlying causes of the chronically high levels of acute malnutrition found in pastoral regions in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Uganda.

This study aims to build upon the existing—but limited—literature and will examine the effectiveness of a large-scale food supplementation program for PLWHA (people living with HIV/AIDS) in a field setting in Ethiopia.

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